Answers containing the keyword ‘comment’Delete Comment Spam From GalleryHow to mass delete comment spam from Gallery Improve Advanced Custom Fields Relationship And Post Object Fields SearchHow to get the ACF Relationship and Post Object fields to sort by search results relevance, only show published posts, search by URL, and exclude the current pageHow To Clean A BA Ford Falcon Cabin Air FilterIs your Ford Falcon air conditioning or heating not blowing as much air as it used to? Have you cleaned your cabin air filter recently? Here’s how.Map Keystrokes Ctrl + Tab And Ctrl + Shift + Tab To Microsoft Intellimouse ButtonsEver wanted to map a mouse button to a character you can’t enter into the Intellimouse/Intellipoint control panel, such as the Tab key? Here’s how.Delete Contacts From Android And Resync From ExchangeHow to delete duplicated contacts in Android and resync them from Exchange, and fix the synckey issue when Exchange won’t resync the contacts.Delete Photos Without Descriptions From Google PhotosHow to delete photos without descriptions from Google Photos using a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script.Control Caching Of Dynamic Web PagesHow to control caching of dynamic web pages.Enable EPG TV Guide In Media CenterHow to enable the Electronic Program Guide for TV broadcasts in Vista or XP Media Center for use in Australia.Exchange Management Console Permissions GoneHow to correct error “you don't have sufficient permissions to view this data” from the Exchange Management Console Organisation ConfigurationWindows Taskbar Refuses To Auto-hideHow to fix when the Windows Taskbar refuses to auto-hide.Reset The Desktop Windows Manager In WindowsHow to reset the Desktop Windows Manager in Windows.How NOT To Redirect OWA On Exchange 2010How to simplify the Exchange 2010 OWA address without causing all sorts of problems.Redirect To A Mobile Site Using Mod_rewriteHow to use Apache’s mod_rewrite .htaccess rules to redirect mobile devices to a different version of your site, while still allowing a “View Full Site” link.How To Register For GST If You Already Have An ABN (in Australia)How to register for GST using the Australian Government’s/Australian Taxation Office’s ATO online Business Portal when you already have an ABN and an AUSKey.Soundblaster Live ASIO SupportHow to use a Soundblaster Live with APS drivers to provide ASIO supportNegative Delta Time Error In Dual-core Based SystemsExperiencing the error “Negative delta time!” when playing Unreal Tournament or a game based on its engine, on a dual-core processor, and/or under Windows XP/Vista?Why Do Golf Tees Go Backwards?Why do golf tees go backwards when the ball is hit?How To Fix Windows Live Messenger For Mobile ProblemsHow to fix Windows Live Messenger for Mobile problems.Windows Media Centre Remote Control & WinampHow do I make my Windows Media Centre remote control work with Winamp?Bypass PHP Output Buffering When Using Apache Mod_deflateHow to output content immediately to the browser by bypassing PHP’s output buffering using flush() & ob_flush() while still using Apache mod_deflate to compress page contents.Perform A Regular Expression Search And ReplaceThis page lets you perform a PHP perl-compatible regular expression find and replace using preg_replace.