How To Clean A BA Ford Falcon Cabin Air Filter

Updated about 11 yrs, 1 mth ago (February 5, 2014). Know a better answer? Let me know!

How to clean a BA Ford Falcon Cabin Air Filter

Is your Ford Falcon air conditioning or heating not blowing as much air as it used to? Have you cleaned your cabin air filter recently? Here’s how.

Your BA Ford Falcon has a cabin air filter, which tends to get blocked, stopping your air-conditioning (or heating if you’re cold) from working well. It should be cleaned or replaced regularly. This is simple to do.

BA Falcon Air Filter badly needing a clean.


First, open the glove box. Note at the back, at the top of the glove box, there is a small latch which stops the glove box from opening all the way. The bottom plastic part needs to be carefully depressed just enough to clear the top part and allow the glove box to open further than it normally should. Note however that the catch hooks onto a metal spike, so it must be depressed just before it hooks onto the spike. Carefully look at the following few pictures to see how this catch hooks onto this spike, and how to release it.

The catch at the top of the glove box, preventing it from opening further.


Note that the catch has a metal hook.


As shown here, the glove box hooks onto this metal hook.


The bottom plastic part (the part joined to the glove box) should be bent down just before it hooks onto the hook, as shown here.


Here the bottom plastic part has been bend just low enough to clear the hook and allow the glove box to open further. Care needs to be taken as bending it too far could snap it off.


Once the glove box has been opened further, as shown above, the air filter can be clearly seen, and easily removed. Sliding it slightly to the left releases the catches at the top and bottom of the filter, and it can then be gently slid out. Be careful in case it is full of leaves.

The cabin air filter, unlocked and about to be removed.


Removing the cabin air filter. It just slides out.


After removing the air filter, run a vacuum cleaner over everything to get rid of any leaves, dust, cobwebs, etc.

The cabin air fan, with the filter removed.


There are a few different types of filter. If the filter is a simple mesh type, the filter can often be cleaned with some water and reused. Alternatively, you can buy a new filter and pop that in. This is particularly important if you are prone to hay fever or allergies.

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Updated about 11 yrs, 1 mth ago (February 5, 2014). Know a better answer? Let me know!

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User submitted comments:

Chris, about 10 yrs, 7 mths ago
Wednesday August 6, 2014 9:11 AM

Good and excellent to see step by step pics''

Chris, about 10 yrs, 7 mths ago
Wednesday August 6, 2014 9:11 AM

Good and excellent to see step by step pics''

Chris, about 10 yrs, 7 mths ago
Wednesday August 6, 2014 9:11 AM

Good and excellent to see step by step pics''

Westy, about 9 yrs, 7 mths ago
Thursday July 30, 2015 4:51 AM

Bloody good thanks I will clean that first now next problem. Aircon button and fan button are not working on my console I swapped to another one but found that the car didn't recognise the unit and wouldn't start Ford say I have to have two keys before they can reset the unit .To much money involved to even tell you the price anyone else had this problem?

Fred, about 9 yrs, 5 mths ago
Wednesday October 7, 2015 3:53 PM

Contact your local TAXI operator who runs FALCONS. Many of these guys have been fixing problems for over 20 years and there is not much they haven`t come across...

Dusty, about 9 yrs, 5 mths ago
Monday October 12, 2015 5:44 AM


contact Envyous Customs ( Although they specialise in Holdens, I think they can help you fix your Ford problem. Send the bloke an email. He always replies.

Cheers, Dusty

James, about 7 yrs, 3 mths ago
Sunday December 3, 2017 4:02 AM

Thank you for this very helpful!

MONTGOMERY BAKER, about 1 yr, 6 mths ago
Sunday August 27, 2023 3:12 PM

Excellent, addvice& photos, thank you so much!

MONTGOMERY BAKER, about 1 yr, 6 mths ago
Sunday August 27, 2023 3:16 PM

Excellent, addvice& photos, thank you so much!

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