Answers containing the keyword ‘mysql’Delete Comment Spam From GalleryHow to mass delete comment spam from Gallery Delete Comment Spam From GalleryHow to mass delete comment spam from GalleryDelete Photos Without Descriptions From Google PhotosHow to delete photos without descriptions from Google Photos using a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script.How To Delete Mac Hidden Files From WindowsYou are running Windows and you want to delete the annoying hidden files Macs make, like “.DS_Store”.Display Published Date In Google Search ResultsDisplay the Date a Web Page Was Published in Google’s Search ResultsExchange Management Console Permissions GoneHow to correct error “you don't have sufficient permissions to view this data” from the Exchange Management Console Organisation ConfigurationFirefox Extension: Paste And Go 3 1.0.5This simple Firefox extension provides a configurable keyboard shortcut which will instantly paste and go (open or search) whatever is in the clipboard. It is a great time saver.Songs From Gossip Girl’s Pilot EpisodeWhat is the complete list of songs and when they were played in the pilot episode for Gossip Girl?Hotlink ProtectionHow to protect files from hotlinkingRemove Folders From Media Center’s Media LibraryHow to remove folders from Media Center’s Media Library, including those that you can’t normally.Reset The Desktop Windows Manager In WindowsHow to reset the Desktop Windows Manager in Windows.How NOT To Redirect OWA On Exchange 2010How to simplify the Exchange 2010 OWA address without causing all sorts of problems.Remove “My Sharing Folders” From My ComputerHow to remove the My Sharing Folders icon from My Computer in Windows Vista, XP.How To Fix Windows 7 Bug Where “thumbs.db” Prevents Renaming Or Deleting Most Recently Viewed FolderYou receive an error “The action can’t be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. Close the file or folder and try again” and it mentions Thumbs.db.Template-Based SiteMake a simple PHP-based template-drive siteIntel Wi-Fi: Unsupported (too Old) EEPROMHow to determine that you have bought an “engineering sample” version of an Intel Wi-Fi card.Why Do Golf Tees Go Backwards?Why do golf tees go backwards when the ball is hit?How To Fix Windows Live Messenger For Mobile ProblemsHow to fix Windows Live Messenger for Mobile problems.WWW SQL Designer: Visual Web-based SQL Modelling ToolWWW SQL Designer allows users to create database designs, which can be saved/loaded and exported to SQL scripts. Various databases and languages are supported. Ability to import existing database design.Perform A Regular Expression Search And ReplaceThis page lets you perform a PHP perl-compatible regular expression find and replace using preg_replace.Text ToolsThis page lets you do various things to text, and gives you the encoded, decoded, or otherwise converted text back.