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Hello and welcome. I’m Ned Martin. Ever spent a long time finding the answer to something?  I have, and when I do, I put it here in the hope that it might help someone else—plus, if I ever need it again… I know where to look.

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Here’s a few random answers, for no apparent reason. Perhaps you were looking for them?

How To Activate An XP Mode VM On Windows 10
You are running Windows 10 and you want keep using an XP Mode virtual machine after its activation has expired

Correcting Clock Drift On A CentOS VM Under Hyper-V On Server 2008 R2
How to correct clock drift on a CentOS 5 virtual machine guest running on a Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V host.

Control Caching Of Dynamic Web Pages
How to control caching of dynamic web pages.

Exchange Management Console Permissions Gone
How to correct error “you don't have sufficient permissions to view this data” from the Exchange Management Console Organisation Configuration

Firefox Extension: Paste And Go 3 1.0.5
This simple Firefox extension provides a configurable keyboard shortcut which will instantly paste and go (open or search) whatever is in the clipboard. It is a great time saver.

Send An Email To All Group Managers Via A Reactive Rule In Drupal 7
The idea was that when someone signed up and requested to join a group, the administrators (not just the author) of that group would get an email letting them know someone had requested access.

Remove Folders From Media Center’s Media Library
How to remove folders from Media Center’s Media Library, including those that you can’t normally.

Reset The Desktop Windows Manager In Windows
How to reset the Desktop Windows Manager in Windows.

Redirect To A Mobile Site Using Mod_rewrite
How to use Apache’s mod_rewrite .htaccess rules to redirect mobile devices to a different version of your site, while still allowing a “View Full Site” link.

Remove “My Sharing Folders” From My Computer
How to remove the My Sharing Folders icon from My Computer in Windows Vista, XP.

Enable S3 Suspend For Media Center
How to enable S3 Suspend for Media Center, to allow a remote control to place the media center computer into an S3 (STR, suspend-to-RAM) state, and unsuspend from that state.

Template-Based Site
Make a simple PHP-based template-drive site

Why Do Golf Tees Go Backwards?
Why do golf tees go backwards when the ball is hit?

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Bypass PHP Output Buffering When Using Apache Mod_deflate
How to output content immediately to the browser by bypassing PHP’s output buffering using flush() & ob_flush() while still using Apache mod_deflate to compress page contents.